Sunday, November 12, 2006

Nissin Demae Ramen - Spicy Flavor

The Nissin Demae Spicy Flavor is one that I remember fondly from my childhood when my family would purchase entire cases of these. I also remember the fiery bliss of having numb lips and tongue after downing one of these.

The packaging has changed a little bit over the years, but the message remains the same: these things are SPICY. I especially like that they don't try to mask the intent of these noodles as "Spicy Beef Flavor" or "Kimchi Flavor" or anything like that. I am very familiar with Nissin Demae's noodles and they represent the default noodles that I think of when I think of instant ramen.

I was very confused when I made these noodles. They looked nothing like I remembered, which was a sea of red, almost as intense as seen on the packaging. The taste was even more disappointing! It really wasn't spicy at all, and tasted mostly of just sesame oil. I have no idea what went wrong, but I'm hoping that I just received a fluke package or something. I will have to pick up another pack of these sometime and find out for sure.

Nissin Demae Ramen - Spicy Flavor - 4.0/10


  1. i think you most probably were right about the flavour mismatch, i eat these ramen often nissin demae spicy flavour and they have never came out looking like that ^^

    more like a red sea, pick up another package and give them the rating they properly deserve ^^

  2. I'm still not quite sure what happened with this pack, but I had good success with the Nissin Chili Flavor so I'm going to stick with that one for the near future.

  3. My local asian grocery store doesnt sell the chilli flavour so i have to stick with the spicy one, although they have quite a wide selection of all lovely kind of ramen, my faves are samyang ham n beef, sutah, nong shin ramyun nissin demae spicy and nissin demae tom yam goong which is a new flavour i picked up last week and was a nice one, i'll keep looking for that chilli one ^^

  4. I snagged one of these yesterday. As you said the sesame oil taste was mostly all I could taste...

  5. I love these ramen, The ones i had are very good.

    I can find them in every asian supermarket in the UK but now i'm in japan i can't find them anywhere.... sucks

  6. I've just had a packet of these from our local asian grocery store - really nice. I've also got some "Pa-Lo Duck" and "Bean Thread Clear Soup" flavour ones to try.

  7. I think you bought the sesame oil flavoured one that once - which is obviously mean to be much milder than the spicy one.
