Thursday, February 08, 2007

Nissin Demae - Chicken Flavor

I am very familar with Nissin Demae ramen noodles, having often eaten them while growing up. The most popular flavors are probably the beef, chicken, and the spicy flavors. All the Nissin Demae noodles come with the same ramen brick but with different flavoring packets to differentiate them. Some even have a flavored oil packet.

The Nissin Demae noodles are a little crispy and have a nice nutty flavor to them. The broth, as you might expect, tastes like chicken broth. The flavor of these noodles is a little bit weak, so the dish lends itself nicely to a healthy addition of Sriracha sauce.

The Nissin Demae chicken flavor is a nice basic ramen. The noodles themselves are quite delicious and the chicken broth is conservative yet hearty. With some Sriracha sauce, these noodles can be a good, satisfying meal.

Nissin Demae - Chicken Flavor - 6.0/10


  1. Nissin ramen is sooooooooooooooo gooooooood I buy it every time I go to a chinise store.

  2. This is one of my favorite ramen. But lately, I haven't been able to find it anywhere. Haven't seen them in supermarkets and they are out of stock online. It's very strange, almost like they discontinued the product. In fact, I was searching for info on their disappearance when I found this blog. Maybe you know something about it.

  3. I've noticed the same problem -- seems every asian store in Ohio is completely out of this noodle. Any word what's going on?

  4. Have you people tried going to Toronto by Pacific Mall. They might still have some. There were a lot during the July 4th weekend.

  5. Are Nissin Demae noodles the same as Top Ramen?

  6. there's only one problem with product such this, when you tasted the real ramen the others are not the same that the original.
