Sunday, January 27, 2008

Maruchan Ramen - Beef Flavor

You can't beat the price of cheap American ramen. This particular pack cost me 12 cents at Ralph's. At first, I thought that Maruchan had put a picture of a raw egg yolk on the front of their package. Upon closer inspection, however, it actually looks like some kind of pickled radish.

Most Americans are familiar with the Maruchan brand. It tends to show up in vending machines due to the convenience of their Instant Lunch line and low cost. When I ate these noodles, I was disappointed by the poor quality in the noodles themselves. They tasted mealy and lacked the springiness and crunchiness that is usually present in instant noodles. They were limp and heavy and had very little flavor.

The broth in these noodles was decent. It tasted like a beef and onion broth. However, I couldn't get around the fact that the noodles themselves were so low quality. I recommend to pay a little bit more and get better quality instant noodles. These noodles are completely different than the ones found in the Instant Lunch cups and I actually prefer the Instant Lunch noodles to these.

Maruchan Ramen - Beef Flavor - 2.5/10


  1. I think that the noodles are decent enough, and for 12 cents to get a meal and this quality of flavor (not to mention easy preparation) I think they rank higher than 2.5.

  2. Raw Egg Yolk?? Pickled Radish?? That thing on the packages is a human. Maruchan means "little boy with the big round head", and was featured in animated commercials before.

    I do not think anything is wrong with the noodles. I have so many things to get done, that I only eat things that can be made very easily and not have to have hardly any dishes needing to be washed, and does not cost very much. So about 5 days of the week I eat things like Ramen Noodles. Occasionally I add things like vegetables. Otherwise I will make something out of other pastas, and about once a week I will make something involving more time and more dishes and more cooking appliances.

    And I rank them 9 or 10.

  3. If I substituted salt free broth for the packet, how much would the label change?

  4. The noodles really are good for being less than 10 cents.

    It doesn't even look like you cooked them completely.

  5. I think these noodles are delicious! I've been eating them for years! You know how it says to cook in the micro for 5minutes? Well, over the years, i've come up with ways to cook them faster so I can eat them sooner! We usually keep about ten packeages in our pantry because I eat them every day! Mua ha ha ha ha ha!

  6. I love these noodles! I only cook them for 2- 3 minutes, soggy noodles = gross. Sometimes I'll forgo the seasoning packet and instead put a poached egg over top of the noodles. mmmmm

  7. these noodles are absolutely gross. the cup version gives people the runs...

  8. no food in the world beats the extravagent taste of the elegant maruchan beef ramen noodles you discrace the ramen noodle name

  9. Bryan,

    The item in question is in the lower left-hand corner, pictured alongside the strips of beef. I doubt the author was referring to the cute Maruchan logo we all know and love.

  10. ...please where can I buy a unicorn?

  11. i lived on these things for three months, now the little logo talks to me...
