Sunday, August 06, 2006

Nong Shim - Chapagetti

Here's a flavor that's pretty different than the standard instant noodles that you find. It is based on a common Chinese and Korean dish called Chajang Myun. This dish is traditionally served with ground beef or pork and a slightly sweet sauce made with black bean paste. I am not really a fan of this dish, but I was curious as to what the instant noodle version would taste like.

"Chapagetti" is certainly an interesting name for these noodles. I guess they are trying to say that it is a blend of Chajang and Spaghetti...? These noodles have a little different cooking instructions than what you usually see since they are not supposed to be served with soup. You must boil the noodles in water and then drain them and add tablespoons of water and add the sauce packets to create the sauce.

These noodles came in the convenient circular brick form, although this convenience was largely lost since the cooking method required independent boiling. The circular brick is really only helpful when you can cook the noodles in the bowl and not have to drain them.

Strangely, the sauce came in pellet form but dissolved easily enough in the water to form a very dark sauce. The flavor was surprisingly mild. It definitely tasted like the right kind of flavor, it's just not as strong as I am used to getting when this dish is homemade or served in a restaurant. I won't be buying this again because it just wasn't that good. Nong Shim is a quality brand, but don't go for this one!

Nong Shim - Chapagetti - 5.0/10

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  1. I understand why you rated this so low after lookin at the second picture. GOTTA DRAIN THE WATER COMPLETELY!! the noodles should become sticker with stronger flaver and darker unlike in the picture.

  2. OH and just another thing, if you did not know... i found that most of exported korean noodles are generally thicker and less elastic--just the overall texture of the noodle for some reason(than the ones I bought and had in korea) even though they are noodles of exact same company and names. I can't really tell if the soup powders are different...I guess exported ones are made in a sparate factories with different recipes since it needs to have the cover with english titles. I found this to be especially true for Chapagetti(짜파게티), Ansungtangmyun(안성탕면), and Shinramyun(신라면). For plenty of other ones, it could be true too. So if you wanna get the original taste, ask a friend in korea to send you one! BTW you seemed to NOT have tried Bibimmyun비빔면(no broth, eaten cold, spicy) I think it's either from Nongshim or Samyang(not sure) but any korean will know, just ask. Very popular, classic korean instant noodle. Bon Appetit!!

  3. Bibimmyun comes from 2 companies, paldo, and nongshim..gotta try one from Paldo..they certainly make better bibmmyun than nongshim.

  4. Hi.
    I thought you've been tried it very well even though it was your first time. Such a black bean podwer might be not suitable for your tasty, but you need reduce water till noodle becomes sticky for better taste.

    Here is my suggestion.

    1. use wide fry-pan (size 20~25cm for 1 Chapagetti and 30cm for 2 of them). In the pan, water can be evaporated easily than a narrow deep-pan for soup-ramen.

    2. in the pan, water should be half of noodle block's height.

    3. If there are half water, you don't need drian them.

    4. Just wait until water is be sticked. Sure, you have to up and down noodle to be well boiled. However, it is better to have feeling like frying, not boiling.

    5. When you smell a little bit smoky, it is time to turn off the cooker.

    6. 3 minutes wait till temper is down, and then well mix them.

    7. Do not afraid to be dirty lips during you are eating. It is usual. If you eat it as Italian spagetti, you can't taste inner thing. Make Chapagetti full in your mouth.

    8. If you have/like KIMCHI, I suggest you take them together.

    9. Chappagetti is not only for just tongue, but also it is for your throat feeling when you swallow them. If you want more smooth, use a bit of olive oil.

    10. Want more good looking and taste? I hope your local markets have a mix vegitable tin, which contains cooked and cutted sevral veggies (ex, 8mm X 8mm X 8mm).
    If you find them, use it to cook all together.


    Good luck.

  5. i love Chajang Myun!!! this stuff is amazing!

  6. This stuff is awesome and full of flavor if made correctly. I agree with the previous poster who pointed out that your noodles look too watered down. In fact, before I even read that comment, I was already thinking the same thing.

  7. Don't make it so watery.

  8. I'm really supprised you rated this one so low. I really wanted to try jajamuyen noodles after watching a Korean drama called Witch Yoon Yee (or something like than) where the male lead's family has a noodle shop. So after looking up the dish on wikipedia I started to ask some of my Chinese coworkers and one had a mother visiting who made some for me. It was super salty. But I didn't mind. This chappagetti packet my wife picked up for me and I was pleasantly supprised it wasn't like any regular ramen dish and it had a very similar but not yet super salty taste like the real thing. Gotta say kudos for Nong Shim for thinking outside the box. I'd give it at least a 8/10.

  9. not korean but i love watching all asian dramas specially korean's...i was watching couple or trouble and they kep eating looks so delicious that i wanna go to korea and get some...then this morning while i was looking for something to eat i found a pack of chapagetti/chajang noodles that my sister gave us.i ate one before and now i found another one.haha and i read it then i saw the word chajang, i was curious and found out theyre the same with was reeeally weird...but i didnt like how it taste like at my first noodle...i think im just gonna save it.

  10. I actually L-O-V-E it so much that I get cravings for chapageti LOL

  11. you didn't follow the directions. the color of your final noodle should be much much darker.

  12. ha ha my korean friend gave me a box of this godly stuff for my birthday

  13. lrn2 make it right

  14. u cook it wrong man.. it should be 10/10

  15. Wrongly cooked:)...but i can understand...i was used to buy "Chacharoni" jjajjangmyon(it´s way easier to make it) but one day i went to the korean shop and found only Chapagetti.So i bought it because i wanted to eat jjajjang.I was following instructions but i left too much water and that was really not so good.But i knew i was wrong so next time i left only little bit water(not 7 spoons,omg)and it´s great.My favourite with Shin ramyon(But i still prefer chacahroni:))

  16. Hello. Must not the cooknes without adding water substitute! Always remember eat the all and not in fishball sauce or other disgustedness.
    i enjoy this brand very muchness with music and wife enjoying also. Be careful for eat monster not come to destroy love romance. HA HA!!

  17. Thats funny. what is a love monster? It doesn't make sense!

  18. I had this tonight! I cooked it using the frying pan method someone on here recommended. It was very dark like it should be and very delicious. As far as instant I would give it a very high rating. Maybe 9 out of 10.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. just seeing your picture, you cooked it wrong. maybe thats why you did not like it? and pellet form for the sauce?! usually its POWDERED, so you may have gotten an old sauce packet. the sauce is supposed to be thick and coat the noodles, not soupy.....

  21. i think you made it wrong, the noodle suppose to be gooey black

  22. my friend, you've MADE IT WRONG, and so it'll obviously taste bad. This noodle deserves much mch more than a 5, is one of the best.

  23. well, everyone else has already said it...but i'd like to confirm that yes, you did indeed make them wrong.

  24. I am a huge fan of the Chinese version of this dish, which I know as 炸醬面, Tzar Cheung Mein, Peking Special Sauce Noodles. (Hopefully my copy/paste of the chinese worked.)

    Their version is basically ground pork, soy sauce, and black bean paste over noodles that are a lot like ramen.

    The Koreans love this dish, too, and make their version with way more black bean paste, some dried seafood, and some very dense tofu. Locally to the SF Bay Area, they call the dish "Za Zang Mein."

    So when I saw these noodles at the grocery, I got them. When I made them, they ended up with a nearly-black sauce that I am used to seeing on Za Zang Mein. The flavor was not overpoweringly salty, the dried vegetables reconstituted nicely, and the noodles where chewy and delicious.

    I'd give these 8/10, but that's because there are some kinds of instant noodles that include, for instance, curry sauce and "fake meat chicken" -- those I'd give a 10/10.

  25. Chapagetti is 10/10 and you fucking no it!

  26. you made the dish wrong thats why u didn't drain all the water idiot! gotta boil water. put noodles in with the vegatable packet. once the noodles are soft, drain all the water and turn the heat off then put oil and the powder packet in... it's fucking nuts on chin slam.

  27. i demand a re-review after you make it correctly. :(

  28. Yope :) just tasted it and YES they do are really good noodles ^^
    They are unfortunately no soup and the water HAS to be removed (just let 6-7 spoons inside for the sauce) And then they do taste great.
    I had soya sauce and a little bit of nuoc-mam and of course some fresh coriander ;)
    Thanks for your review it's nice to se other "ramen-fan" out there :D

  29. Excellent contents in general, I must say! However, do not quite agree with this: Nong Shim - Chapagetti - 5.0/10

    Chapagetti or Chacharoni (That's the rival of Chapagetti from SamYANG. Actually many people find it better.) type of ramen require extra skill and caution to cook it properly. It seems you put too much water while cooking according to the picture taken. PLS kindly give another chance and next time, pls boil the noodle a little longer so you have less soup left. Anyway, pls enjoy.

  30. This is my all-time favourite korean instand noodles!!!!! and I eat them all the time but they are more expensive than the other korean instant noodles thou. I even like this more than the homemade one.

    P.S I think you put too much water on yours....


  32. It tastes awful to be honest

  33. I just made it today...and it is one of my biggest mistake as an impulsive buyer. My tastebud did not take a liking to it. I dont know what i did wrong but the taste was similar to a bland and burned rubber. I would like to know if any of you understand where I am coming from. Thanks.

  34. It honestly tastes like charcoal and rubber noodles.

  35. Actually, it's gross. I don't understand the hype regarding this noodle. It tastes bitter like traditional Chinese medicine. I swear it was prepared correctly, too. I've had real Jajangmyeon before and this tastes nothing like it! Go out and get actual Jajangmyeon, guys. Don't waste your money on this crap.

  36. I LOOOVE Jjajangmeyon, but this "Chapagetti" is disgusting. I tried to like it, but I just can't. Like the previous comment, IT TASTES BITTER. At first I thought I it was just me, but i'm glad someone else thinks it's bitter too. Terrible. DO NOT BUY. My favorite brand would have to be the one by Paldo. Zha Wang brand would be second. Try the Paldo brand one though!! Instead of a powder seasoning, it's an actual pre-made sauce, which in my opinion tastes way better.

  37. tried it today. 1/10 for me. sorry

  38. it tastes bitter what the heck. i tried to like it because it was expensive and i didn't want to waste the money but it's really bad. it tastes like charcoal. and fyi, i know what charcoal tastes like because i already tried it ACCIDENTALLY
